Emma Green is a young screenwriter, who created the successful fantasy series, “The Warrior”. The main character in the series is Thomas Black, played by Yotam Lapid. The series is aired with huge success for six seasons, until suddenly Yotam, the leading actor, notifies the production that he landed a coveted part in an American series, and is leaving the country. Emma is forced to kill Yotam’s character and write a suspenseful last episode for the season, ending with Thomas’ death. She also has to part with Yotam personally, as they’ve been a real-life couple. After Yotam leaves, the episode in which Thomas dies is aired as planned, but suddenly, and fantastically, Thomas Black shows up in her apartment. Emma, and later her friends and associates on the “warrior” series, have to deal with the unusual situation.

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Genre: Drama
Created by: Ori Gross
Produced by: Tedy Productions
Duration: 25x 48′
Seasons: 2
TV Platform: YES
Channel Info: YES Kidz 90

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